05 Apr Sinnamon Park Easter Egg Hunt
And the race is on – Ready, Set… GO!
We had an amazing response to our Annual Sinnamon Park Easter Egg Hunt. It took place on the 24th of March this year, and was a spectacle to behold . There was over 1400 chocolate Easter Eggs dropped over nearly 1000sqm, and more 100 children took part in the Hunt, scouring every blade of grass and nook and cranny in the specially roped off area.
We had a coffee van on site ( Free Coffee) for the parents and of course the weather did hold off from rain, cool and cloudy which was perfect. Dean Property Agent Robert Dean sounded the horn to begin the Egg Hunt and there were kids running everywhere, this year we had two separate areas, one for the Under 4’s and then the older children.
The Easter Bunny was on hand to give out eggs to everyone just in case there were children who missed out , and we would like to thank all of the participants for such a wonderful morning. Miss Bunny enjoyed meeting you all, and has asked us to send a special Thank You to Amelia for the letter and Easter Egg that was placed in the basket on the day.
Congratulations to our Golden Egg winner and recipient of the $50 ‘Toys R Us’ Voucher, which I’m sure was enjoyed over the Easter Holidays. There was also a special raffle on the day and three lucky families got to enjoy an Easter Hamper.
We are so humbled and blessed to have such a fabulous community in the Sinnamon Park / Centenary area – Thank you all for the support and we look forward to catching up next year.
Hi Robert,
We just wanted to say a big thank you. We’ve been to lots of Easter egg hunts over the years and found yours to be one of the best. We loved the segregated areas for big kids and little kids. Our boys are bigger now but when they were little it was always a struggle for them to find eggs when competing with the bigger kids. And if they were let go first, they would inevitably be run over when the bigger kids came through. So a designated area for the littlies was great. We also loved the area being roped off. It stopped people wandering through and taking eggs before the event and gave the kids an area to look in without them running everywhere. We were also a winner of one of your raffles and the hamper was just lovely. It will make a wonderful Easter picnic for us.
So thank you very much for a lovely event.
The Sutton family.
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